
Walking with Moms in Need

Walking with Moms in Need

Walking with Moms in Need is a year of service where Catholic parishes and communities “walk in the shoes” of local pregnant and parenting women in need. Learn more at https://www.walkingwithmoms.com, or contact Maureen Shilkunas, Director of Human Life and Dignity for the Diocese of St. Augustine at mshilkunas@dosafl.com or call (904) 262-3200 ext. 159.

For direct pregnancy counseling and assistance, contact Catholic Charities Caring Choices at (866) 901-9647 or https://www.ccbjax.org/caring-choices.

About the Program

The USCCB program Walking with Moms in Need requested by Archbishop Naumann and greatly supported by our bishop originated to assist the most vulnerable in our society, the single mother with babies and small children.

The three-prong approach of this program of prayer, resources, and direct assistance can be simplified to the collection of resources through the generosity of parish collections of diapers, wipes and gift cards of small amounts to food stores (Publix, Save-A-Lot, Walmart, Winn Dixie, etc.).

Suggested steps to implement this program at your parish:

  1. Pastor confirms that his parish will participate.
  2. Advertise through Parish bulletin, website, Catholic radio, lawn sign.
  3. Designate a spot to store the collection.
  4. Drop off items at the parish office or designated storage spot.
  5. Limit pick up to 1 or 2X a week at parish(am-pm).
  6. Have Respect Life coordinators coordinate efforts, find parish volunteers to assist and keep in contact with Office of Human Life and Dignity as to the progress of the collection and assistance.
  7. Donations can be made to local food banks or pregnancy resource centers.