
For News Media

For News Media

The Office of Communications works to ensure a clear, consistent message as we coordinate media requests and facilitate media responses as appropriate. To ensure this happens, all media inquiries should be directed to:

Kathleen Bagg
Director of Communications
(904) 262-1705/office
(904) 434-3909/cell

Covering Diocesan Events

Reporters and photographers are welcome to cover celebrations of the Mass and diocesan events, but we ask that you notify us in advance so that we can assist you in getting clearance from the priest in charge. With proper clearance, photography is permitted inside the church during Mass, but please refrain from using a flash. Photographers and videographers are asked to stay a respectable distance from the altar, and try not to stand in the space between the sanctuary and the congregation. And finally, we ask that you respect the privacy of individuals receiving Communion. Please direct all questions to Kathleen Bagg at kbagg@dosafl.com. Or call the Office of Communications at (904) 262-3200, ext. 110.

Resources for Parishes and Schools

We want to hear what is happening in your parish community and school. Please share your stories and upcoming events with us so we can publish your good works in the St. Augustine Catholic magazine, on the flagship diocesan website, through our Facebook page, Twitter feed and with local news media. Notify us of events and activities as far in advance as possible. Please contact us at least 5-6 weeks in advance (including your registration deadline), if you want to submit your program or event to secular media for coverage. Use the News Release Request Form for events you would like publicized both within our diocesan news outlets as well as with secular news media.

For more information, please refer to the Communications Policy.