Thank you for your interest in supporting the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal!
Now in its 12th year of supporting the mission and ministries of our local church, the theme for the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is “We are the hands of Jesus.” It is through the selfless giving of our time, talent, and treasure, that allows us to live out this exhortation from our Lord to radiate His love and mercy to others. Jesus reminds us that, to achieve a complete, unbreakable union with God, we must imitate God. We must, like Jesus, direct all the energies of our humanity into reflecting the love of the divinity. It is a pure love so overwhelming that it can only become a force for good, a love that will one day overpower the world to usher into its place the eternal kingdom of God. In gratitude for our many blessings, most especially our gift of faith, let us ask ourselves “what can we now do for God?”
“Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.” ~ St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Case for Support
The Pastors’ Advisory Committee has recommended, and Bishop Pohlmeier has approved the following case for support and estimated allocations:
Brochure (English/Español)
Prayer Card (English/Español)
Parish Resources
If you are a parish leader, please click here for resources to conduct the Appeal at your parish.