Healing After Abortion
The care and counseling following a reproductive loss is very personal and must align with the needs of an individual. The challenge is to meet individuals where they are, whether addressing the grief that surfaces immediately or the wound that surfaces years later, which can occur in the case of an abortion.
The area of grief due to reproductive loss is sensitive within our families and within our culture. Today we advocate for all who have directly or indirectly experienced this loss to look for healing and reconciliation. The pastoral care programs listed below provide emotional, social, and spiritual support and are designed to meet and care for you on this journey.
Counseling Services for Healing After Abortion
- Rachel’s Vineyard – Retreat weekends that bring healing through licensed counselors, clergy and volunteers who have suffered the same loss. For information about retreat weekends, contact (904) 221-3232 or email rachelsvineyardjax@yahoo.com, or Mary Huston at (904) 885-9959 or email mtliai@bellsouth.net, or visit www.rachelsvineyard.org.
- Support After Abortion – Provides healing to individuals through one-on-one, small group and online resources, as well as training to organizations on how to implement healing programs for individuals. If an abortion experience has impacted your life or the life of someone you know, call or text (844) 289-HOPE (4673) or visit www.SupportAfterAbortion.com