
Direct Ministry Programs

Direct Ministry Programs

The following is a list of programs available through the youth office of the Diocese of St. Augustine:

Diocesan Youth Conference

Hundreds of high school students from across the Diocese of St. Augustine come together in February for a weekend of music, faith, fellowship and fun. From skits to games, talks to prayer, sport to small groups, all culminating with Mass this will be one weekend to energize and revitalize your faith.

To register, contact your parish youth minister. If your parish is not attending, please contact the diocesan office to be connected with a parish that is participating or for help putting a group together.

Mpact – Middle School Service Day

Middle school students from across the diocese come together for a day of service, music, faith, fellowship and fun. We offer young people the opportunity to see a larger church community from across the diocese working together in service to the local community and grow in fellowship together.

To register contact your parish youth minister. If your parish is not attending, contact the diocesan office to be connected with a parish that is participating or for help putting a group together.

DOSA Plunge

Teens and adult chaperones participate in mission work in Putnam County or Jacksonville’s westside, some of the more impoverished areas of our community. Plunge is a weeklong effort during the summer where we give of our time painting houses, doing carpentry, building wheelchair ramps, yard work, heavy cleaning and much more. You will spend the summer living Christ’s message of caring for the poor.

Servant’s Heart Camp

We bring middle school students who are committed to giving hands-on assistance to institutions that serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters in Christ. You will learn cooperation, gain community experience, make some incredible new friends and spend five days of your summer being the hands and feet of Christ.

Faith and Action Service Days

Join teens from around the diocese as they spend a day serving others.

High School Ladies Retreat

Join young women from around the diocese as they spend the weekend discovering the truth about their identity, debunking the lies society tells us and discussing how women are equal yet different from men.