
Creighton Model

Creighton Model

The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System featuring NaProTechnology teaches women to track naturally occurring phases of fertility and infertility. This is a natural procreative educational system that can be used to either achieve (up to 80% effective in infertility) or avoid pregnancy (99.5% effective, Journal of Reproductive Medicine). With the help of trained medical professionals this method also can be used for the further evaluation and treatment of hormone imbalance, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, PMS, PCOS, infertility, chronic discharges and the effects of stress.

Creighton utilizes observation of the woman’s cervical mucus.

The initial introductory session is free and is provided in a group setting. The eight subsequent private follow-ups occur over one year. Contact instructors for current fees. Payment plans are available.


Amy Karney, FCP
Orange Park
(904) 536-6618
Instruction by appointment

Krista Dettlaff, FCP
Ponte Vedra
(916) 606-7208
Instruction by appointment

Ligeia Damaso, ARNP, FCP
Orlando (Available to give CrMS Introductory and Follow Up Sessions)
(904) 718-1277
Instruction by appointment

Chris Pampo, FCP
(352) 246-7155
Instruction by appointment

Mary Kate Phillips
(314) 221-2111

For more information about The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System visit www.creightonmodel.com.

NaProTECHNOLOGY visit www.naprotechnology.com.