
Healing After Miscarriage

Healing After Miscarriage

The care and counseling following a reproductive loss is very personal and must align with the needs of an individual. The challenge is to meet individuals where they are, addressing the grief that surfaces immediately after having a miscarriage or wounds that develop over time as in the case of a diagnosis of infertility.

The area of grief due to reproductive loss is sensitive within our families and within our culture. Today we advocate for all who have directly or indirectly experienced this loss to look for healing and reconciliation. 

Some Resources for Healing after Miscarriage

Campaign for the Precious Ones – The Campaign for the Precious Ones was created to honor the humanity of the unborn child lost through miscarriage, early infant death, or abortion. For more information visit https://dosafl.com/human-life-and-dignity/campaign-for-the-precious-ones/.

Catholic Therapist Network – The Catholic Therapist Network is a listing of therapists who have obtained Diocese-approved training about the theology, traditions, and values of the Catholic faith. For more information and a listing of the therapists visit https://dosafl.com/office-of-family-life/therapists/.  

Red Bird Ministries – Red Bird Ministries is a Catholic Grief Support Ministry following the loss of a child of any age and any circumstance, from miscarriage through adulthood. For more information visit https://dosafl.com/office-of-family-life/red-bird-ministries.