
Diocesan Coronavirus Resource Center


October 12, 2022 – Bishop Erik Pohlmeier has released the following update on the diocesan COVID-19 protocols and guidelines. For more information and questions about the guidelines, email Deborah Tauro, director of Risk Management at dtauro@dosafl.com.

May 19, 2022 – Bishop Felipe Estévez has released the following update on the Public Celebration of Masses and Precautions following Infection by COVID-19 and Variants. For more information and questions about the guidelines, email Deborah Tauro, director of Risk Management at dtauro@dosafl.com.

January 18, 2022 – Due to the rapid-spreading omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, Bishop Felipe Estévez has released “Guidance for Parishes and Diocesan Administrative Offices to Plan and Respond to COVID-19.” Understanding that various factors (e.g., church building design and configuration, demographics, etc.) make every parish unique, applying these guidelines to parish programs and events is subject to the pastor’s discretion. For more information about the guidelines, email Deborah Tauro, director of Risk Management at dtauro@dosafl.com.

Español: Haz clic para descargar Guía para parroquias y oficinas administrativas diocesanas para planificar y responder a COVID-19

September 12, 2021Letter from Bishop Estévez on COVID-19 Vaccinations

August 12, 2021Due to the high COVID-19 positivity rates in all 17 counties of the Diocese of St. Augustine, Bishop Felipe Estévez has updated the COVID-19 safety protocols, effective August 16, 2021.

May 14, 2021Bishop updates mask mandate in parishes

May 4, 2021Bishop lifts general dispensation to attend Mass on Sundays with some exceptions

May 4, 2021Particular dispensations from Sunday Mass

May 13, 2020Statement of Encouragement to the Faithful of Diocese of St. Augustine

May 6, 2020Statement for the Restoration of Public Masses [Declaración para la restauración de las Misas públicas dentro de la Diócesis de San Agustín]

March 27, 2020Letter from Bishop Estévez on access to the sacrament of reconciliation and the plenary indulgence granted by Pope Francis

March 19, 2020Bishop Felipe Estévez suspends Masses and liturgical events until further notice

Florida Catholic Conference of Catholic Bishops statement on Florida dioceses suspending Masses in response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Articles & Resources

COVID-19 Special Report (St. Augustine Catholic, Mar/Apr 2021)
Understanding the Payroll Protection Program:
Why the Catholic Church Received Federal Loans?

CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center
Florida Department of Health
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
The Catholic Current

Statements and Resources from the USCCB

March 2, 2021
U.S. Bishop Chairmen for Doctrine and for Pro-Life Address the Use of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine
(English) (Spanish)

January 2021
Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines

December 20, 2020
Moral Considerations Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccines

Statements and Resources from the Vatican

Note on the morality of using some anti-COVID-19 vaccines (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)

December 29, 2020
Note of the Vatican COVID-19 Commission in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy for Life “Vaccine for all: 20 Points for a Fairer and Healthier World”

April 2020
Strong in the Face of Tribulation – The Church in Communion: A Sure Support in Time of Trial

March 20, 2020
The Granting of Special Indulgences to the Faithful in the Current COVID-19 Pandemic

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