Child Abuse Awareness Month
Victim Assistance
If you have been the victim of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, or individual representing the Catholic Church in a diocese or eparchy in the United States, there are several things you can do.
- You may contact the appropriate law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred.
- You may contact local child protection agencies, a private attorney or a support group.
- It is particularly important, for help, healing, and response from the diocese/eparchy that you contact the appropriate Victim Assistance Coordinator. For the Diocese of St. Augustine, call (904) 208-6979 and ask for Tina Nugent. All calls are handled with complete confidentiality.
These individuals are available to assist you in making a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese/eparchy, in arranging a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and for obtaining support for your specific needs.
The Victim Assistance Coordinator’s contact information is also available on the Diocese of St. Augustine website: