Special Needs
Catholic Charities in the Diocese of St. Augustine offers services for people with disabilities, including our renowned Camp I Am Special summer camp.
For information about Disabilities Ministry in the Diocese of St. Augustine, contact Rebecca Aleman, RN, at raleman@ccbjax.org or call (904) 230-7447 or visit www.ccbjax.org/camp-i-am-special.
Be Not Afraid – A program for parents with an at-risk prenatal diagnoses. For information, contact Tracy Winsor, MPA, at tracy.winsor@benotafraid.net or visit www.benotafraid.net.
Schools & Homes
Morning Star School – a diocesan K through 12 school serving children with learning differences including intellectual and developmental challenges. Morning Star School is located in Jacksonville and is the only special education school in the Diocese of St. Augustine. For more information, visit www.morningstar-jax.org or call (904) 721-2144.
L’Arche Jacksonville – L’Arche Jacksonville is a community with four family-style homes, the Blanchart Community Center and an off-site day program called the Rainbow Workshop where people with intellectual and physical disabilities can share their gifts. For more information, contact (904) 721-5992 or visit www.larchejacksonville.org/.
L’Arche Rainbow Workshop – A program where members of the L’Arche community take pride in creating arts and crafts that are available for sale to the public. For more information, contact (904) 721-5992 or visit www.larchejacksonville.org/art-shop/rainbow-workshop.
Special Needs Training
“Especially Needed” is a training webinar conducted by the Office of Human Life & Dignity to assist those caring for people with disabilities.
The webinar is presented by Dr. Rebecca Fisher, PsyD, licensed psychologist and member of the Catholic Therapist Network; Jean Barnes, former principal, Morning Star School; and former director May Oliver.
To watch the webinar, click here.