
Integral Ecology


The Integral Ecology Committee of the Diocese of St Augustine has been charged with developing a plan for protecting and improving our natural environment. This follows the lead of the Holy Father Pope Francis and his concern for all creation outlined in the papal encyclical Laudato Sí. The committee has been working for approximately one year to establish the basis for the plan.  You can read the foundational document prepared by the committee (Coresponsible Attitudes for Resources and the Environment) which states the case for concern and the structure of the plan.

We have focused on three areas: formation, reduction of consumption and waste, and advocacy. In each area the committee will have goals and suggested actions for individuals, small groups and families, and entire parishes and organizations.  Although the plan is not completed, everyone can begin the work of protecting and improving the natural environment in order to show reverence for all life.  The members of the committee hope you find our work valuable, and will participate in all three areas.

Care for Our Common Home

The Integral Ecology Plan for the Diocese of St. Augustine

For an inside look at the ecological initiatives of the Diocese of St. Augustine, download this official pamphlet that highlights our plan.

Integral Ecology Plan (Chart)

Supplemental chart for personal, parish and organizational use.

Laudato Si

On Care of Our Common Home

Pope Francis addressed to “every person living on this planet” for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path.

Other Resources

Committee Members

Lee Ann Clement, Ph.D.
Director of Academic Integrity and professor Biology
and Marine Science at Jacksonville University

Mike Day
Director, Office of Family Life

Jack Daniels, D.Th.
Teaching and learning librarian of the Proctor Library
at Flagler College and adjunct professor of religion

Jimmy Orth
St. Johns Riverkeeper 
and MSRI at Jacksonville University

Lisa Rineman
St. Johns Riverkeeper
and MSRI at Jacksonville University

Chris Williams
Department chair of Biological Sciences
at St. Joseph Academy, St. Augustine