
Election 2024

Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops Election Resources

The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) is dedicated to guiding Catholics in fulfilling their duty to participate actively and responsibly in political life. During each election cycle, the FCCB provides various resources to support the faithful in making informed voting decisions. While the bishops do not endorse or oppose any candidates, they emphasize that the responsibility to vote rests with each individual, guided by a well-formed conscience.

The following resources are approved by the bishops of Florida for use in parish or diocesan publications and for posting online.

Election Materials and Guidelines

  • Inform Your Vote – Links for Voters
  • Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
  • Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
  • Civilize It: Take the pledge and find resources to share with your community at CivilizeIt.org
  • FCCB Election & Political Activities Guide
  • Florida Catholic Advocacy Network
  • Catholic Days at the Capitol

These are available by visiting https://www.flaccb.org/election-materials-and-guidelines

Bulletin Inserts

As a complement to Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the USCCB approved six new bulletin inserts to help the Catholic faithful put their faith into action. The bulletin inserts are available in English and Spanish by visiting https://www.flaccb.org/election-materials-and-guidelines

  • Introductory Note / Nota Introductia
  • Role of Church in American Political Life / El papel de la Iglesia en la vida pública
  • Dignity of the Human Person / La dignidad de la persona humana
  • Common Good / El bien común
  • Solidarity / La solidaridad
  • Subsidiarity / La subsidiariedad

Sept. 21
Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to UOCAVA voters

Sept. 26-Oct. 3 
Deadline to send vote-by-mail ballots to domestic voters

Oct. 7
Deadline to register to vote: (no deadline to change party affiliation)

Oct. 24
Deadline to request that ballot be mailed: October 24, 2024

Oct. 26-Nov. 2
Early voting period (mandatory period)

Nov. 5
Election Day

For more resources and information from the Florida Division of Elections, visit https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/election-dates/

If you have any questions regarding the resources found on this page, please email info@flaccb.org or call (850) 205-6817.