This Sunday, we celebrate CATECHETICAL SUNDAY, a time to honor and commission those who serve as catechists in our parish and school communities. These dedicated men and women carry the mission of transmitting the faith—guiding others from the initial proclamation of Christ to a deeper understanding of the sacraments and ongoing spiritual growth.
Pope Francis beautifully described the role of the catechist in Antiquum ministerium as one who is a witness to the faith, a teacher, a mystagogue, a companion, and a guide. Through prayer, study, and their life in the community, catechists help others encounter Christ.
>> This year’s theme reminds us of our call to serve: “Lord, when did we see you hungry?” (Matthew 25:37)
Thank you, catechists, for your service and devotion to sharing the Gospel!
✨ Domingo Catequético: 15 de septiembre ✨
Este domingo celebramos el Domingo Catequético, un momento para honrar y comisionar a quienes sirven como catequistas en nuestras comunidades parroquiales y escolares. ¡Gracias por su dedicación y devoción!
#DOSAFL #CatecheticalSunday #CalledToServe #FaithFormation #ThankYouCatechists
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