A live Nativity will be presented by children and choirs of St. Anastasia Catholic Church, 3 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 18. A prelude concert of Christmas carols starts inside the church at 3 p.m. followed by an outdoor procession from the church’s covered portico.
The procession moves to Our Lady’s Chapel, to the fountain and finally to the grassy knoll. Each area will present a different scenario in the story. Local author and actor Andy Nance will narrate the enactment of the birth of Jesus.
Scenes will include the Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary, Mary’s journey to her cousin Elizabeth, Joseph being guided by angels, King Herod’s visit by the wise people, and the entry of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem’s inns. The enactment concludes as the shepherds, angels, wise men and the drummer boy meet the Christ Child in the stable. The stable scene will be complete with live animals including a petting zoo for children to enjoy after the event.
Christmas carols will be led by the parish choirs. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served, and Santa Claus will be on hand to receive letters destined for the North Pole. Santa will also be available for photo ops.
St. Anastasia Catholic Church Christmas Eve Mass Schedule
Bishop Filipe J. Estévez will celebrate the 4 p.m. Mass on Christmas Eve at St. Anastasia Catholic Church. The Saturday, Dec. 24 schedule includes: Vigil of Christmas: 4 p.m. Mass with Bishop Estévez (Choristers); 8 p.m. Mass (Parish Chorale). Carols will begin at 7:30 p.m. Memorial luminaries will be lit following the 4 p.m. Mass.
St. Anastasia Catholic Church is located at 5205 A1A South on Anastasia Island between SR206 and SR312 bridges. Admission and parking are free. Everyone is welcome. Call (904) 471-5364 or visit the web page www.saccfl.org for more information.