
Open Wide Our Hearts

“Almost every day, news headlines demonstrate that our country’s “original sin” of racism continues to impact the lives of many Americans, many of them Catholic”. In their pastoral letter against racism, the Catholic bishops of the United States invite the Church to address the evil of racism that still exists in our country to this day and provide ways we can respond.

USCCB Pastoral Letter on Racism


Bulletin Insert for Parishes

To promote the enduring call to love and the USCCB’s message against racism, parishes are encouraged to share this bulletin insert with the faithful throughout the Diocese of St. Augustine.

Combating Racism Resources

Click below for an extensive list of resources, including pastoral aids, prayers and other backgrounder information from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

  • Other Resources
  • For a list of resources provided by our Office of Christian Formation, click here.
  • Practical Steps for Eradicating Racism: An Invitation (Click Here)

Upcoming Webinars 

10 Part Webinar Series offered by the National Black Catholic Congress: This series will utilize elements of social justice, intergenerational exploration, and pop culture to explore where their faith has formed and informed their journey to encounter God, self, and one another.

The next episode is Sunday, Oct. 4, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. (EDT). “What’s Our Story? Chapter 3: Cause and Calling for Our Roots.”

The presenters are Lauren Morton and Justin T. White. Special Guests are Amanda Edwards and Candace Bacchus-Hollingsworth. For more information and to register, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_O0lUB6KGSr2S29gczDfmHQ

Statements from the U.S. Bishops on National Protests

Upcoming Events


Grace and Recovery Foundation - Ongoing Support Group Meeting



Caribbean Gala 2025
Tringali Barn


Stations of the Cross at Marywood


24 Hours for the Lord


Transformation Night: "Talking Back, Overcoming Sin with Scripture"
Holy Faith Catholic Church


Catholic Arts Celebrates the Jubilee: Hope Through Film, Music, and Dance
St. Patrick Catholic Church (Jacksonville)