Programs and Services
The Office of Family Life provides a wide range of programs, events, and resources to help cultivate healthy relationships and marriages, support the family, and build up a culture of life and love. For a full listing, click on “Menu” above to explore.
Catholic Therapists
Are you or a loved one in need of support? Find a local mental health professional who can provide care within the context of the Catholic faith.
Find a Catholic therapist near you, click here.
Marriage Preparation
Congratulations! Engagement is an exciting time and we’re grateful for the opportunity to assist your preparation for the sacrament with pre-marital courses, relationship inventories, and more.
Click here for more information
Natural Family Planning
“Natural Family Planning” is an umbrella term for safe, effective, and ethical methods of family planning that use naturally occurring signs and symptoms to help a couple identify the most opportune time to achieve as well as avoid a pregnancy.
Find a certified instructor near you by clicking here.
An annulment is a formal declaration by the Church that a Sacramental marriage did not meet the requirements for validity. It is not a divorce, a moral judgment, or denial of a common life together nor does it affect the status of children from the marriage. The Office of the Tribunal handles the annulment process and there is no fee for a formal case.
Click here for more information.
Click to view an overview of the Marriage Preparation process in the Diocese of St. Augustine.
Saturday, May 31, 2025
We are thrilled to announce the 2025 DOSA Family Fest which will include fun activities for all ages such as games, a Catholic market, formation opportunities with talks and music from national Catholic speakers, the sacraments, and the opportunity to receive a Jubilee indulgence.
Click to view a list of grief support groups around the Diocese of St. Augustine.