The following is a list of resources Catholic publishers have made available for individuals and families to use during Lent. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Christian Formation at
USCCB Lenten Daily Calendar in Spanish and English
USCCB 6 Ways to Evangelize During Lent
Hallow Lenten Resources A Guide to Lent 2025
McGrath Institute: A Guide to Night Prayer during Lent free downloadable booklet
McGrath Institute A Pilgrimage with Christ Through Lent free downloadable booklet
Archdiocese of Seattle Free weekly reflections on the Sunday readings, other resources
Creighton University Praying Lent a myriad of prayer resources
40 Lenten Ideas Sr. Janet Schaeffler, O.P.
Ignatian Spirituality Lent videos with reflections, daily prayer
Busted Halo 25 Great things You Can Do for Lent
Lenten Reflection Video with Father Eric Stelzer
Children and Families
Friendzy Living Out Lent (NCEA) for Schol Children and Families, Lesson plans
Sadlier Lenten Resources (bilingual) for families. Prayers, calendar, activities
Loyola Lenten Ideas Large selection of ideas, lesson plans, activities
CRS Rice Bowl Lesson Plans Grades 1-8
CRS Rice Bowl Lesson Plans grades 9-12
Loyola ~ Forty Ideas for 40 Days
Corporal Works of Mercy Plan for Families worksheet courtesy of Diocese of Des Moines
My Lenten Plan for Children and Teens worksheet courtesy of Diocese of Des Moines
Living Lent ~ For Families Courtesy of Kristin Quinlin
Catholic Sprouts ~ Countdown to Lent Worksheets for the family
Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure for Families with children
Domestic Church Exploring Lent as a Family
Sensory Stations of the Cross Courtesy of the Diocese of Dubuque