
Urban Plunge

During the week of July 24, 2017, the “Urban Plunge” program, a mission trip with the goal of forming missionary disciples by putting faith into action, was hosted by Palatka and Interlachen communities. The Diocesan Youth and Young Adult Ministry expanded the program to include teens from every deanery in the diocese. 52 high school aged teens from 8 parishes completed 65 jobs for 42 needy families including interior/exterior painting, carpentry, yard work, heavy cleaning and much more. Grant monies were spent on building supplies, food, and scholarships for registration. The group spent 7+ hours a day working on these jobs and the remainder of their time in fellowship and prayer. It was beautiful to witness the conversions that took place during this week of service. Through intimate faith sharing, the impact that this program has on our youth as well the mentors and the communities they served was made obvious. This program fosters the belief among all who participate that they can and do make a difference in their world by living their faith.