
Pope Francis’ Statement & Resources

Pope to U.S.: Migration policies built on force, not truth, ‘will end badly’

Pope Francis has urged U.S. Catholics and people of goodwill to not give in to “narratives” that discriminate against and cause unnecessary suffering to migrants and refugees.

“I recognize your valuable efforts, dear brother bishops of the United States, as you work closely with migrants and refugees, proclaiming Jesus Christ and promoting fundamental human rights,” he said in a letter to the U.S. bishops published by the Vatican Feb. 11.

Pope Francis said he was writing because of “the major crisis that is taking place in the United States” with the start of President Donald J. Trump’s “program of mass deportations.”

Read the Full Statement English | Spanish

For Additional Resources & Information, visit the websites below:

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committees Migration
Creating a world where immigrants, refugees, migrants and people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, welcome and belonging.

Justice For Immigrants
Justice for Immigrants: Uniting and mobilizing a growing network of Catholic institutions, individuals, and other persons of goodwill in support of immigration reform.

Catholic Legal Immigration
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
With immigration at the forefront of current public debate, this familiar call from Matthew 25:35 is as relevant today as ever because immigration is one of the most pressing issues facing the United States and the world today. The complexities of immigration to the United States are not only matters of law and policy, but also deeply felt social and ethical issues. For more than 30 years, the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., has protected the legal rights of immigrant families and promoted their dignity in the Catholic tradition of welcoming the stranger.

The Center for Migration
The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS) is a think tank and an educational institute devoted to the study of international migration, to the promotion of understanding between immigrants and receiving communities, and to public policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of migrants, refugees, and newcomers.

Catholic Relief Services: Faith in Action
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) upholds the commitment of the U.S. bishops to serve the poor and vulnerable worldwide. Rooted in the Gospel and Catholic social teaching, CRS responds to humanitarian crises, combats poverty and disease, and promotes justice and peace. Working alongside Catholic and global partners, CRS provides aid based on need—not creed, race, or nationality—while also helping Catholics in the U.S. live out their faith in solidarity with those in need.