“We have come to believe in God’s love: in these words, the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life.”
– Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est 1
The Office of Evangelization
At the heart of Evangelization is a personal encounter with the living and loving God, revealed and transmitted most fully in the person of Jesus Christ. It is His voice that lives within us, and in every moment and place calls to us saying, “Introduce me!” The purpose of the Office of Evangelization is to assist pastors and church workers in the inspiration, spirituality and skills necessary for all stages of this introduction.
“In all its activities the parish encourages and trains its members to be evangelizers.”
– Evangelii Gaudium, 28
To accomplish this, the Office of Evangelization supports pastors and church workers in driving, sustaining and assessing evangelization initiatives and practices, always keeping in mind that it is first and foremost Christ himself who is the motive, means and measure of all missionary activity.
The office undertakes a collaborative effort to help all church workers cultivate the missionary mindset and spirit that sees every touchpoint with the people of God as an opportunity for introduction to Christ, as well as the missionary skills needed to boldly walk with and welcome those who have never been evangelized, those who have fallen away and those who need help progressing in their faith journey, especially the outcast. The cultivation of this missionary mindset and spirit across the Diocese of St. Augustine is critical to the bishop’s vision of missionary transformation, ecclesial renewal and addressing the social and formation needs within the diocese.
Documents from the USCCB
- “Disciples Called to Witness” – A Statement by the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis
- “Living as Missionary Disciples” – A Resource for Evangelization by the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis
- “Go and Make Disciples” – A National Plan and Strategy for Catholic Evangelization in the United States
Documents of the Universal Church
- Evangelii Nuntiandi – Evangelization in the Modern World
- Evangelii Gaudium – The Joy of the Gospel
- Catechesi Tradendae – Catechesis in Our Time
- Christifideles Laici – On the Vocation and Mission of the Lay Faithful in the Church and in the World
- Apostolicam Actuositatem – Apostolic Activity
Individual Resources
- “Discover Your Story” – A personal reflection to help you discover your story of faith and the role of God in your life designed by Burning Heart Disciples. Click to Download
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