Pete and Saralee Peters – A Legacy of Support for Casa San Pedro

“The thanks must go to our Lord who made our gift possible.”
Saralee Peters wrote these words to Bishop John J. Snyder on October 21, 1999, after she and her husband, Captain I.G. “Pete” Peters, USN Ret., attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Casa San Pedro. She told Bishop Snyder it was “a wonderful and happy experience for Pete and myself.” A retirement home for diocesan clergy, Casa San Pedro was constructed on the grounds of Marywood Retreat and Conference Center in St. Johns, Florida. The beautiful home was made possible by a lead gift from the Peters, in addition to many other generous donors.
Denis Plumb, now retired from the Diocese of St. Augustine, worked closely with the Peters. She said, “They were delightful and fun people.” She further explained the chosen name of the property– Casa San Pedro – was a nod to the Peters’ generosity!
For over 20 years, Casa San Pedro has been home to clergy who have given themselves unselfishly to the Lord. Though Pete passed away in 2002 and Saralee in 2020, the Peters again blessed Casa San Pedro with their generosity! A gift from the Peters’ estate established the Irvin and Saralee Peters Casa San Pedro Endowment Fund, which will help maintain Casa San Pedro in perpetuity. Join us in giving thanks to Pete and Saralee Peters and all the other generous donors who helped build Casa San Pedro.