
Letter from the Director

As Catholics we understand that preparing for death is an important part of our journey and our faith; this is an important process that will prepare us for our moment when we enter eternity. Through our faith, we learn how to be prepared for that moment but there are also practical preparations that should be completed before that time is upon us. Like financial planning positions us for a pleasant, retired life, pre-planning for our final resting positions us well for the day we will finally be face-to-face with our Lord.

Selecting a final resting place is a family decision that often becomes a place of special peace and comfort to generations that follow. Your thoughts and decisions surrounding your planning are for many some of the most heartfelt and lasting memories a family share with each other. In these quiet moments, families can take their time in choosing their family monument and share the stories and meaning behind their selections.

The day a loved one passes into eternal life should be a day of joy and celebration of life, but it is also a day of loss and pain for many. Knowing that these last things and final arrangements of earthly life are already in place is your gift of peace of mind and heart to your loved ones that reassure them that in this very difficult time everything is exactly as you would have wanted this day to be.

In more of a practical sense, purchasing at today’s rates, or on payment plans, if that makes it easier, locks in the costs and avoids the stresses of estate settlement or other financial decisions.

Taking the first step is the hardest step, call or stop by our office at San Lorenzo Catholic Cemetery in St. Augustine, FL, where we can guide you in making your final arrangements. Do not leave these decisions for your family to make at the time of death; a loved one can become so stressed that sometimes the consolations of our Catholic faith are not taken into consideration.

We look forward to serving you and your family.

Keith Rezendes
Director, Catholic Cemeteries
Diocese of St. Augustine
(904) 824-6680