Religious Retirement Collection Continues Vital Support for Religious Orders
November 27th, 2023On Dec. 9-10, parishes of the Diocese of St. Augustine will take up the annual collection that benefits approximately 24,000 elderly religious sisters, brothers and religious order priests across the United States. The collection provides qualified religious institutes with financial aid to address retirement necessities. Traditionally, Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests have dedicated […]
Una Noche de Navidad – A Night of Christmas
November 22nd, 2023This event has been rescheduled to Saturday, December 23, 2023! Our beloved and time-honored Las Posadas event is returning! St. Augustine, Fla. – Join us at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche at Mission Nombre de Dios in St. Augustine for an evening that promises to be unforgettable. Witness the breathtaking live […]
Advent Novena, Multicultural Preparations for Christmas
November 22nd, 2023Advent is a season where we humbly trust and joyfully wait for the arrival of the promised Savior. In the darkness of the night, all sing with joyful longing for the coming of the Savior who is the light of the world. Simbang Gabi is a hopeful religious event celebrated in the Philippines during the last nine […]
Four Things to Know About the Baby Steps Camino™
November 14th, 2023By: Jessica Larson What is a Camino? The word “Camino” is Spanish, meaning “path,” “trail,” or, more generally, the “way.” In Spain, the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) is a religious pilgrimage to the tomb of St. James. There are many starting points, but the most common trail is 500 miles long and can takeapproximately five weeks to walk. In the Diocese of St. Augustine, the Order of Malta American Association has developed a Baby […]
Merry Solidarity
November 13th, 2023By: Jessica Larson For the majority, the holiday season is a merry time of the year. The days and nights are filled with festive and joyful sights and sounds of celebration, surrounded by friends and family. But, what if this year, you or your loved one is journeying the holidays amidst grief? How can we […]
Celebrating Black Catholic History Month
November 13th, 2023On July 24, 1990, the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus of the United States designated November as Black Catholic History Month to celebrate the long history and proud heritage of Black Catholics. Two commemorative dates fall within this month, St. Augustine’s Birthday (Nov. 13) and St. Martin de Porres’ feast day (Nov. 3). More importantly, […]
Honoring Service, Praying for Peace – A Message from Bishop Pohlmeier
November 9th, 2023On this Veterans Day, we gather as a faith community to express our deep gratitude to the brave men and women who have selflessly served our nation in the armed forces. The North Florida counties that make up the Diocese of St Augustine have a rich military history, particularly with the strong presence of the […]
Unleashing the Power of Generosity Through #iGiveCatholic
November 7th, 2023By: Jessica Larson As the fall weather rolls in and Thanksgiving approaches, the nation turns its focus to the season of thankfulness and generosity with the many graces we have been given. In 2012, #GivingTuesday, a global movement, was created as a simple idea: a day encouraging people to do good. With this in mind, #IGiveCatholic was born to inspire faithful stewards to “Give […]
Why do we Pray for the Dead?
October 25th, 2023By Justin McClain, O.P. Have you ever been asked why we, as Catholics, place so much emphasis on praying for the dead? Even if it comes very naturally for us to do so, we may wonder: Can the dead use our prayers? Are our prayers for those who have died as meaningful as our prayers […]
The Feast of All Saints
October 25th, 2023November 1 By Jessica Larson Note: When this Solemnity falls on a Monday or Saturday, the obligation to attend Mass is abrogated. The history of the feast of All Saints dates to the end of the second century. The saints are holy men and women – true friends of God – to whom the church […]
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