
Unleashing the Power of Generosity Through #iGiveCatholic

By: Jessica Larson

As the fall weather rolls in and Thanksgiving approaches, the nation turns its focus to the season of thankfulness and generosity with the many graces we have been given.

In 2012, #GivingTuesday, a global movement, was created as a simple idea: a day encouraging people to do good. With this in mind, #IGiveCatholic was born to inspire faithful stewards to “Give Catholic” on #GivingTuesday in support of the ministries that have shaped our Catholic faith!

Catholic ministries have come together in one place to make it easy for contributors to bestow gifts of generosity within one platform. Last year, 893 sponsors generously supported 61 ministries with $334,204 worth of funds that play a critical role in serving the community and creating a greater impact.

One of these ministries was St Joseph Catholic School. They have participated in #iGiveCatholicfor the past two years. In 2021, 40 donors gifted the school $9,050; in 2022, 78 provided $13,610. One hundred percent of these funds directly impacted the education of the children. St. Joseph Catholic School strives to be a beacon through which Christ is realized in the life of every young Catholic by leading the students to know, love and glorify God. This year, the school hopes to continue to raise funds in support the annual fund and continue the mission of leading children to Christ. 

In 2022, generous donors provided the vocational office with $13,000. With these funds, the office hosted its largest annual discernment retreat yet. Forty-eight men came to consider their calling to the priesthood prayerfully.

San Juan Del Rio Catholic Church in St. Johns raised $79,220 for maintenance, renovation, and expansion. While St. Patrick’s youth group in Gainesville raised $11,000 to host special events and scholarship money for Life Teen summer camps.

This year, the global day of generosity and kindness begins with an advanced giving phase that runs November 13-27, with #GivingTuesday officially being held on November 28, 2023. To support the mission, please visit https://staugustine.igivecatholic.org/

Questions? Please contact Kim Howard, khoward@dosafl.com or Patty DiSandro, pdisandro@dosafl.com

The Catholic Foundation, Diocese of St. Augustine, is honored to sponsor our diocese’s participation in #iGiveCatholic.

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