
Papal Nuncio Presides Over Investiture for the Order of Malta

The Order of Malta Federal Association hosted His Excellency Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Papal Nuncio to the United States as the main celebrant for the Solemn Liturgy and Investiture for the Order at San Juan del Rio Catholic Church in St. Johns on Sunday, April 25.

Michael O’Hare and Dr. Tim Laird were invested as Knights of the Order and Father John Tetlow was invested as the Magistral Chaplain of the Region. A reception and dinner followed at Marywood Catholic Retreat Center. The Knights and Dames were so blessed to present this Investiture for the class of 2020 that was unable to be in Washington DC at the Cathedral of St. Matthew due to the pandemic. The liturgy was superb because of the gracious service of the Papal Nuncio, officers of the Federal Association who attended including the President, Fra’ Thomas Mulligan.

As part of the ceremony, each candidate recites the following:

I promise, calling on the name of God, in chivalrous fidelity, always to bear witness to the Catholic Faith, to defend the Church, and to lead my life in accordance with the teachings of Holy Mother Church. I declare myself ready to obey the Constitution, the statutes, and the Rule of the Order, and to fulfill with fidelity and diligence whatever the Order and my superiors impose on me. To all this, so help me God, our Lady of Philermo, Saint John the Baptist our glorious patron, Blessed Fra’ Gerard our founder, and all the Saints of our Order. You here present I also call to witness my commitment.

Our charism calls us to defend the faith and serve the needs of the sick and poor.

Welcome to the newest members of our Region!