
2021 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal

The Scripture passage of the poor widow’s gift in Mark 12:43-44 helps us reflect on the importance of giving back what we have to give thanks to God for all that he has given. Each year, Catholics of the Diocese of St. Augustine are invited to come together in support of our local church through the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. Whether it’s financially or through prayer, whether the amount is large or small, the key message is participation.

Last year was a challenging year for many people. Yet the faithful’s generosity continued to flow. In 2020, more than 22 percent of households participated in the appeal. And, of the more than 13,300 households that participated, more than 20 percent were first-time participants.

This year, the theme for the 2021 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal is taken from Psalm 46 – “God is our refuge and strength… Thus we do not fear,” and commitment weekend is Feb. 13-14. The appeal raises funds that carry out the church’s mission, from clergy formation to evangelization to pastoral outreach and more.

Your generosity in support of the mission of our church through the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal can be seen in the following ministries:
Clergy Formation – support for seminarians, deacons, and active and retired priests.
Catholic Education – support for Catholic schools and diocesan religious education programs.
Life, Charity & Justice – support for Catholic Charities, pro-life ministries and prison ministry.
Pastoral Ministries – support for multicultural ministries, marriage and family life ministry, youth and young adult ministries, and Apostleship of the Sea.
Discipleship & Evangelization –operational support for the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in St. Augustine, missionary priests and sisters, campus ministry and engaging Catholics throughout the diocese

If you would like to learn more about the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal, visit www.dosafl.com/bishopsappeal. It is important to note that 100 percent of all funds received through the appeal go to vocations and ministries within the diocese. No funds from the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal are used for the costs associated with sexual abuse cases.

Watch the 2021 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal video in ENGLISH.
Watch the 2021 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal video in SPANISH.