
The Living In Love Retreat Workshop Comes to Jacksonville

A paradigm shift from secular to sacramental marriage open to all couples

A nationwide retreat from the Pastoral and Matrimonial Renewal Center is coming to Blessed Trinity Parish in Jacksonville Feb. 15-16. Living in Love is a day and a half mini retreat workshop for married couples that is presented by parish couples with the help of the PMRC staff. 

It is a modern Ignatian retreat that has proven to be a powerfully transformational conversion experience to a theology of the body lifestyle empowering couples to live the full vision of the sacrament of matrimony for the sake of the church.

Even those who are technically in a sacramental marriage when they arrive, experience a conversion of heart and habit which unleashes passion and joy in the couple’s relationship and motivates them to evangelize those around them especially the next generation. Since it clearly illustrates and witnesses to the difference between secular and sacramental marriage, is a powerfully graced experience, and is pastorally much more effective than putting civilly married couples in with engaged couples. This retreat is also unique in its ability to convert couples from birth control to openness to life with credible, convincing insights into the correlation between the unitive and the procreative dimensions of conjugal love. 

Since couples sleep at home, it is a low-cost, user-friendly opportunity that quickly gains a reputation for fun and romance in a parish. Couples of every age and demographic are encouraged to attend, from bilingual Hispanic communities or rural blue collar parishes to affluent upper class suburbs or inner city urban parishes. What is most unique is that it has special appeal with young, newlywed, dual career professionals (MD’s, MBA’s, Phd’s and attorneys) many of whom are pre-evangelized yet become very credible evangelizers.

Couples experience the difference between secular and sacramental marriage, gain liberating insight into how differently men and women prefer to achieve intimacy, embrace a proactive mindset, and learn practical strategies to raise the level of passion and delight in their relationship for the sake of those around them. Each exercise includes time for private reflection, and couple sharing. There is no large group open sharing or discussion.

Saturday begins at 8 a.m. and includes a continental breakfast and a lovely romantic dinner. Sunday begins with 8 a.m. Mass and will conclude by 4 p.m. The cost is $100 per couples. To register, click here, visit www.livinginlove.com or Call Ron and Kathy Feher at (610) 506-7958 or (484) 366-6102.