
USCCB Calls for Protection of Unborn and Born Infants

U.S. Bishops’ Chairman on Pro-Life Activities Calls All People of Good Will to Stand Up and Protect Unborn and Born Infants

February 1, 2019

WASHINGTON—Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, KS and Chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities has issued the following statement in response to the introduction of a bill in the Virginia legislature that would allow a baby to be aborted at nine months.  Although the bill was defeated there, a similar bill was passed by the New York legislature and signed into law by its Governor.

Archbishop Naumann’s full statement follows:

 “A Virginia lawmaker has introduced a bill which would allow a baby to be aborted at nine months, even if the mother is just about to give birth. This legislation shocks the conscience and is made more egregious by the Governor of Virginia suggesting the permissibility of denying care to infants born alive during the abortion. This senseless disrespect for new human life is horrifying. We join the bishops of Virginia in urging all people of good will to stand up to protect unborn and born infants from legislation that would permit their gruesome deaths.”