
Holy Spirit Conference Addresses Healing

Dive deeper into your relationship with Jesus by attending the Holy Spirit Conference, Jan. 25-27, at Holy Faith Catholic Church in Gainesville. Sponsored by the Charismatic Renewal movement of the diocese, this year’s theme is, “I Am the Lord Your Healer” (Exodus 15:26).

Dr. Mary Healy

The keynote speaker is Dr. Mary Healy, a professor of Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Mich. and editor of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture.

According to Healy, God’s revelation of himself as a healer in Scripture is often overlooked.

“It’s very exciting to see people awakening to that truth, and either experiencing healing or being used by the Lord for healing and participating in his work of spreading the kingdom in that way.”

Healy said the gift of healing is something God wants to be more widespread in our faith and it is meant for every single member of the church.

For those who are unfamiliar with Charismatic Renewal, it focuses on the healing power of the Holy Spirit.

“Many people think of charismatic as one movement among other movements. And in a certain sense, it is, but in reality, the church itself is charismatic. The church has received the gift of the Holy Spirit from the Lord Jesus, and that includes the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are gifts to be used for building up the body and proclaiming the Gospel,” explained Healy.

While gifts of the Holy Spirit can be seemingly ordinary, others are more supernatural, such as healing, miracles, prophecy, tongues and more.

Those gifts, Healy said, are the missionary equipment that the Holy Spirit gives to the whole body of Christ to carry out its mission. Every Christian is given charisms by baptism and confirmation. But, tragically, many are unaware of what charisms they have.”

“No two people receive the same charisms. … Because none of us have all the charisms, we need each other, and we use our charisms to serve one another.”

The conference begins Friday at 7 p.m. and runs through Sunday at 1 p.m. Early registration is $30 if paid by Jan. 20, and registration at the door is $35. There is no charge for priests, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters and youth age 18 and under. For details and to register, visit http://www.staugustinehouseofprayer.org/2019CatholicHolySpiritConference.html or call Dr. Mary Shaw at (352) 244-9899.