
Upcoming Concert Engages Youth of the Diocese

The Office of Multicultural Youth and Young Adults, the Pastoral Juvenil Hispana in partnership with youth groups and parochial movements of the diocese presents a Concert and Youth Encounter featuring Darwin Letcher & Band accompanied by Lizzette Sanchez.

The concert and youth encounter, June 10, at Bishop John Snyder High School in Jacksonville, is for all youth, ages 13-17 and young adults, ages 18-35. The gathering is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is part of the V Encuentro process. The daylong celebration will include adoration, group sessions and a concert. All those gathered will have and the opportunity to learn what it means to go forth and begin a journey as joyful missionary disciples giving witness to God’s love for us. Click here for informational flyer.

The V Encuentro is an initiative of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that calls all Catholics to listen with profound attention to the needs, challenges, and aspirations that the growing Hispanic community faces in daily life. It especially invites Catholic organizations, leadership teams, campus ministry, youth groups to see the process as a powerful tool to refocus their work in light of the Church’s evangelization mission. One of the principal objectives of the V Encuentro is to develop effective pathways to engage Hispanic youth and young adults to live out their baptismal call.

To learn more about the V Encuentro, visit https://vencuentro.org/. To learn more about the concert and youth encounter, call Norma Garcia at (904 716-1571, Sister Lili Tituti at (386) 330-4527 or Esnardi Escamilla at (904) 803-7396. Or visit: www.dosafl.com/yyam.

[cs_button href=”https://dosafl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/EncounterConcert-Flyer-English-001.pdf” type=”flat” shape=”square” size=”md” color=”accent” no_uppercase=”1″ bgcolor=”#a31636″ bghovercolor=”#a3465b” textcolor=”#ffffff” texthovercolor=”#ffffff”]Download Flier[/cs_button]