
A journey through Lent with Father Richard Pagano

The Office of Communications is proud to present a new video series – “Reflections for Lent” – with Father Richard Pagano. The series will be released starting on Ash Wednesday, March 1, and will continue with weekly videos through Easter Sunday.

In the series, Father Pagano reflects on the various aspects of our lives that perhaps the Lord may be asking us to change in order that we may make a worthy offering of ourselves to him, as he did for us on Calvary.

We are further reminded that Lent is more than giving up daily pleasures, or simply following the Church’s traditions of prayer and fasting. While all these things are good and holy, Lent is truly a time for us to discern the Lord’s voice who is calling us to a deeper, transforming union with him.

In a spirit of faith, let us re-commit ourselves wholeheartedly to take up our cross and follow the Lord today.

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