
31st Annual Diocesan Faith Formation Day

The 31st Annual Faith Formation Day will be held at Bishop John J. Snyder High School on Saturday, October 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

OSV Chicago Conference July 15, 2010. Photo by Andrew Collings.

Dr. Joseph White. Photo by Andrew Collings.

This event has grown from a formation day for catechists to a day that offers something for every parish, school ministry and minister. The keynote presentation, in addition to the thirteen other workshops, will focus on the traditions of our faith and their pertinence today. The workshops are broken down into several categories:

  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Catechist Certification
  • Classroom Skills
  • RCIA
  • Youth

We warmly welcome Dr. Joseph White, a nationally recognized clinical psychologist and best-selling author. He serves as a national catechetical consultant for Our Sunday Visitor and is a member of their panel of experts. Our Sunday Visitor will be sponsoring Dr. White for the event, and copies of his recent publication, “The Way God Teaches: Catechesis and the Divine Pedagogy,” will be available at a discounted price.

Registration for the Faith Formation Day must be completed through the parish Director of Religious Education or the School Principal. We also now offer individual and group registrations at a discounted rate.

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For more information, contact Rebecca in the Office of Christian Formation at emcgeever@dosafl.com or (904) 262-3200, ext 117.