October 11 & 12, 2019
Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche &
St. Anastasia Parish, St. Augustine
You are invited to attend the 2019 Statewide Florida Respect Life Conference “In the Heart of Our Mother” in lovely St. Augustine. National and State speakers will inspire and educate you with their expertise, sharing powerful fact-filled lectures that will lead us to a nurturing love which we can bring to others, creating a Culture of Life.
The registration deadline is September 20, 2019.
*Hotel deadlines: Guy Harvey Resort (TBA); The Ponce St. Augustine (TBA)
Featured Speakers
Our lineup of featured speakers is as follows:
- Bishop Felipe J. Estévez, Diocese of St. Augustine
- Bishop William Wack, Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee
- Star Parker, founder and president for CURE (Center for Urban Renewal and Education)
- Vincent Rue, Ph.D., co-director of the Alliance for Post-Abortion Research and Trauma; and founder of the Institute for Pregnancy Loss
- Father Leonard Chuwa, AJ, BCC, Ph.D., Systems Director of Formation & Ethics, St. Vincent’s Medical Center
- Father Hugh Gillespie, S.M.M., retreat master for Monfortian Retreats
- Robert Raspa, M.D., family medicine at St. Vincent’s Medical Center
- Mary Soha, M.D., pediatrician, author, vice-postulator for the cause of Antonion Cuipa and companions, the Martyrs of La Florida
- Tracy Windsor, Be Not Afraid (BNA) program for families after a difficult prenatal diagnosis
- Ingrid Delgado, associate director for social concerns/respect life for the Florida Catholic Conference of Bishops
- Ron Wright, Jr., exonerated death row survivor, member of Witness to Innocence
- Modesto Sanchez-Torres, M.D., diagnostic radiologist chief of Florida Medical Center
- Megan Almon, youth educator, Life Training Institute
- Ruby Peters, Catholic Charities Bureau social justice liaison for the Diocese of St. Augustine, Northeast Florida Human Trafficking Coalition ambassador
Sponsored by
The Florida Catholic Conference State Pro-Life Coordinating Committee
Contact the Office of Human Life & Dignity, Diocese of St. Augustine at (904) 262-3200, ext. 159 or moliver@dosafl.com.
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