Catholic Foundation Financial Policies and Statements
Investing in the Ethical and Social Beliefs of Our Catholic Faith
The Catholic Foundation partners with Christian Brothers Investment Services, Inc. (CBIS) and Wells Fargo to align our investments with the mission – not only to produce returns to fund the good works of the church in North Florida, but to reflect in the investments themselves the ethical and social beliefs of our Catholic faith.
Christian Brothers and Wells Fargo employ socially responsible investing, an investment strategy designed specifically to allow our mission to work in harmony with the management of our investment portfolios. This method seeks to actively improve companies by encouraging worker, environmental, and social reforms. This strategy includes:
The Catholic Foundation adheres to the investment guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and screens out companies that disregard church teachings.
You can be confident your gift will be responsibly invested with the Catholic Foundation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Catholic Foundation do?
The Foundation establishes and manages a permanent endowment made up of restricted funds created to provide lasting support for the development and charity of our faith community. It offers practical partnerships to encourage giving generously now and through future legacy gifts.
How are Foundation operations funded?
Each beneficiary of a restricted fund can receive an annual disbursement of 4 percent of the market value of its permanent account. Funds not restricted to any specific parish, school, or ministry are used at 4% annually to fund operational expenses as well as fund annual grants that are awarded to select applicants. A 3/4 percent administrative fee is charged to each entity to help with operations.